Sunday, April 26, 2009

Inspired by Psalm 102

This is a poem for all the women out there struggling. Sending Much Love.
Hear her prayer O Lord
Her heart is stricken within her
Hear her cry O Lord
She has mingled her drink with tears
Hear her groans O Lord
She lies awake grieving.
Let it be said that You heard
Let it be written that You answered
Let it be known that You showed mercy.
Her time for favour has come
It's time for her morning to dawn.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"It could be worse!"

It's easy to be distracted by what we don't have, where we wish we were or when our sorrows or trials will end.

No matter what your distractions may be, one of the secrets to contentment is knowing that it could be worse.

I saw this story in the devotional "The Word For Today": Snoopy was lying in his dog house one Thanksgiving Day, mumbling about being stuck with the dog food while all those humans got to be inside with the turkey and the gravy and the pumpkin pie. "Of course it could be worse", he finally reflected, "I could have been born a turkey".


And count your blessings.