Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Letter from Heaven

Sharon Jaynes writes in Girlfriends In God about how she struggled for three months after her miscarriage with feelings of grief. One day, she heard God speak to her heart a letter from her unborn child and that's what I want to share with you now.

Dear Mommy,

I asked Jesus if it would be all right for me to write you a letter. He said it would be OK.

First of all, I want to thank you for loving me and giving me life. I remember how happy you and daddy were when you found out that you were going to have me. I remember how you prayed that I would come to know Christ at an early age. I remember how you prayed that I would have a mission in life to help others.

Mom, I know that you and dad were sad when God decided to take me to heaven before I was born. I saw the tears that you cried. But Mom, what I wanted to tell you is this: Your prayers were answered. I am healthy. I am strong. I do know Christ, and He lets me sit on His lap every day. And mom, I do have a mission. Everyday new babies come to heaven who were never born. Many of them never knew the love of a mother or father. When they come to heaven, they always ask the same question; 'Baby Jaynes, tell me, what was it like to have the love of a mother?' And I can tell them. Oh, how I can tell them.

Thank you, mom, for loving me. I know you miss me. But one day we will be together and what a time we will have. Until then, imagine me happy and whole, playing at the feet of Jesus, and telling other babies about what it feels like to have a mommy that loves them.

See you soon,
Baby Jaynes

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